A negative decision of a sponsorship application can be a stressful and frustrating time. Fortunately, Kang & Company is one the leading Immigration practices with a former Immigration Judge heading the Appeals division. Our extensive experience, knowledge, and connections can ameliorate negative decisions of any kind to reunite you with your loves ones.
Canadian citizens and permanent residents whose applications to sponsor close family members to Canada have been refused by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) can appeal negative decisions. If the appeal is allowed,the IAD is no longer involved in the file and the processing of the file is then done by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada IRCC, and the file goes abroad to a visa office or is completed here in Canada at a Case Processing Office. If the appeal is dismissedthe sponsor may contest the IAD’s decision by asking the Federal Court of Canada permission to apply for judicial review of the IAD decision.